7 Tips for Successful Blogging career in 2022

 Nowadays, we all know that it is possible to earn a lot of money through blogging.

Nowadays, it has become very easy to earn money by creating blogs.

As I do myself. I have already told you how much money I am earning per month from the blog.

 However, keep in mind that making money blogging is a very popular topic these days.

So, almost everyone is creating their own blog and publishing articles there regularly to earn money from their blog.

As a result, a lot of competition has been created in the career or profession of blogging till the end of 2020.

Compared to blog, the popularity of YouTube video is now more.

Moreover, as a result of the new updates of Google algorithms every day, ranking articles in Google search is no longer as easy as before.

It didn't happen. Because, I have already said that blogging is the best and profitable way to earn money from the Internet.

So, almost everyone is thinking about blogging business.
Now the question is,

how to succeed in blogging career in this competition of 2022?

How to increase the popularity and traffic of your blog?

These questions must come to your mind. However, in this article I will give you some blogging tips that I myself use.

Moreover, it is very important for you to follow these points in this competitive blogging profession of 2022.

7 Essential Tips to Succeed in Blogging Career in 2022 –

Friends, many new bloggers who started in last 2 to 3 years have become successful today.

I myself started this Bengali blog about 3 years ago. I think my blog is in a good position at present. 

But I don't call myself a blogging expert, because there is still a lot to learn.

But, in this modern time of 2020, there is a lot of competition in the profession of blogging.

There are thousands of people just like you creating blogs on the same topic and submitting them to Google.

So, if you are only doing hard work and not smart work, Then you cannot stay in the field of blogging for long.

So, what are the tips that I and many successful bloggers are currently doing in the blogging profession, 

Check out those blogging tips below.

1. Create your own blogging team

See, doing one thing is enough when it comes to blogging.

You can earn good amount of money by doing one job. However, if you want to earn only between 10,000/- to 50,000/- from blogging, Then you have to work alone.

But if your aim is to earn millions of rupees, then you have to work by creating a team.

Because, alone you cannot publish more articles. If you have a team, you can publish one article on your blog almost every day.

See, the more articles you publish on the blog, the more Google organic traffic you will get.

And, the more Google organic traffic you get to your blog, the more income you will earn.

And, the more Google organic traffic you get to your blog, the more income you will earn.

So I would suggest, Create your own team and get started. Contact a good writer and ask him to write articles for your blog.

Remember, don't write articles for any new writer. It is very important to write the article properly with a good writer.

First of all, there is no need to hire 10 writers to write articles. If you just hire 1 good writer, that's enough.

2. Create a YouTube channel

Now that you have a good team, you just give them the task of writing articles.

And you create videos associated with your blog articles. 

Make videos for each article and upload them to your YouTube channel. 

And, be sure to embed the videos into your articles.
In this, the visitors who come to read your blog article can also know the information through the video.

Also, if visitors spend more time on your blog article page with videos, Then the bounce rate of the web page will be low.

And, low bounce rate of blog means getting good ranking in Google search.

Moreover, if you have a separate YouTube channel, you can give a link to the blog article in the description of your uploaded videos.

As a result, the blog will get a lot of traffic from YouTube.

So, the YouTube channel associated with your blog will do marketing work for the blog.

If you can't create videos, create a separate team to create video content.

3. Build your blog as a brand

The biggest mistake we make when it comes to blogging is that we depend on Google search traffic.

But, it is not at all a good idea if you are currently seeking success in your blogging career.

 Remember, when your blog name becomes its identity, your blogging career will actually be successful.

So, always promote your blog on different social media networks.

Keep trying, so that more and more people can connect with your blog.

Also, be sure to use the “e-mail subscription box” in your blog. In this, people can stay connected with your blog through email.

And, when you publish articles on your blog, your email subscribers can learn about those articles. As a result, apart from Google search, you will get direct traffic to the blog.

Thus, through some small process you can promote your blog and make a brand in people's eyes.

4. How to earn money?

If you are thinking of earning money from your blog, you should keep that in mind. Meaning, if you are only thinking of earning from Google Adsense, then you should write articles as such.

And if you are thinking of making money through affiliate marketing, So in the beginning you have to choose a good niche and create a blog.

If your objective is to earn through Google AdSense, So do good keyword research and write articles by finding and targeting profitable keywords only.

If you write any kind of low quality article, you will not get good income through AdSense.

You can earn good income by publishing informative content targeting right keywords.

5. Blog promotion is important

Nowadays, any kind of apps, websites and videos become popular as a result of online promotion and marketing.

Therefore, in 2020 you must think about the promotion and marketing of your own blog.

A Facebook and Twitter page of your blog is very important.

After writing blog articles, publishing them on your social media pages is the first but very important step of blog promotion.

Moreover, you have to learn how to do paid advertisement. Currently, many new websites or apps do paid social media marketing by investing some money.

As a result, they become very popular in new condition for only a few bucks.

So, to promote your blog and blog content among people quickly, blog promotion is very important. You can easily start promoting your blog on social media networks like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter etc.

Moreover, you yourself find out new ideas of blog promotion and promote your blog on that account.

6. Work smart not hard work

The most dangerous thing in the field of blogging in the current 2022 is "competition".

 If your competitors are doing better than you, Then surely they will go above you and you will go down. So, hard work will not work now.

You have to work smart.

At least 15 articles should be published per month.

If you don't maintain consistency, your competitors will move ahead.

Content quality and density should be right. Just writing an article in any way won't work. Publish informative content. 

It is not possible to do everything alone. You alone cannot publish more articles. 

So, create your own team and work professionally.Before writing any article, target some keywords for that article.

Keyword research is very important. Do not target more competitive keywords, it will be very difficult to rank them in Google search. 

Target only low quality keywords for the purpose of getting Google ranking easily.

So, remember to get success in blogging career in 2022, you have to do full planning and work.

 How to work, what will be the structure of the article, how to do keyword research, everything needs to have a plan.

7. Get started today

Remember the more you delay the more you lose. A survey revealed that currently more than 5 million blog posts are published every day. 

So, if you haven't published an article in a day, remember that thousands of people have published articles on their blogs. 

And so, maybe one day they will replace you. That is why I urge you to think about it.

Start working from today with proper planning. And as much as possible, try to publish some articles every day. 

In this, your blog's reputation will always be good with both Google bots and visitors. Just thinking will do nothing. 

Just dreaming doesn't automatically make them come true. Make dreams come true. 

And, it is important for him to have hard work along with smart work and proper planning.
Blogging is a very crowded profession. 

You have to step out of the crowd. Get your blog and blog content to people.

And so, start working today and with proper planning.

What did we learn today? Friends, today we learned about some “blogging tips”. If you want to be successful in the profession of blogging in 2022, you must work on the above issues. Gone are the days when just writing an article and publishing it on a blog would do. Now is the time, where you have to work properly on SEO, keyword research, marketing, promotion, content quality etc.

Now is the time, where you have to work properly on 

SEO, keyword research, marketing, promotion, content quality etc.

So, if you are working with proper process and plan, then you will definitely get success. 

Friends, blogging requires you to put in the time. I have never seen a person who became a successful blogger in one day. So, if you have the time, there is definitely a chance of success.

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